Me on the Net

Down below are some of the best ways to find me on various social networks. Feel free to add, friend, follow, or whatever that social network calls for, and I’ll be glad to do the same!

  • Audioboom – An audio orientated social network, where people can post short audio announcements, and even send private direct messages to those they follow.
  • Facebook – Who doesn’t know what Facebook is? Add friends, Like Pages, share posts, comments, even send messages, chat live with friends, and of course drive yourself crazy with all the Facebook Applications!
  • foursquare – Check-in to various locations around the world! Let people stalk you, and see exactly where you are, and what you’re up to!
  • Google + – Add friends, create “circles” and stay in touch with people around you! It’s Google’s poor attempt in creating a decent social network.
  • Instagram – Photos are always a great way to express oneself. This social network allows one to share photos across the internet.
  • LinkedIn – Connect with all kinds of different people around the world, and share valuable information regarding your work history, education, and other skills that others may find important. It’s a social network, and resume all in one!
  • Pinterest – View what appears to be another blogging social network service that many use. The only difference is this one posts photos that you take. You can also get involved by pinning photos to boards, and liking / commenting on photos that others take as well.
  • Tout – Video blogging in 15 seconds or less. This social network captures all the memorable moments that occur in your life, and shares them across the internet!
  • Twitter – Follow different people, let them follow you! Often people tweet about the most ridiculous things, but it’s still a great way to stay in touch with all your friends. You can also favorite tweets, send direct messages, and create lists! To be honest, it’s arguably in my opinion the best “microblogging” social network out there!
  • YouTube – Watch, comment, or create playlists of all kinds of videos around the world from millions of YouTube users. YouTube seems to be the most popular video blog service around, especially when it comes to the stupid videos that don’t seem to make any sence at all!

So, there you have it! I hope you find at least one of these social networks worth keeping in touch with me! All the links above will take you to my profile on that respective social network, so have at it!

No joke! Hold the apostrophe!